We ask you to please read through the certification guidelines so you can make an informed decision. If you have any more questions please contact us.
Reiki I
Your Reiki Level I certification requirements are met with the 1-day course. You will receive your Reiki I Certificate at the end of the day.
Reiki II
Committing to being a Healer
The requirement for Level II is to want to be a healer. You agree to put aside your personal self and be a channel for energy within a healing space. You learn to invoke and honour sacred space and function appropriately in sacred space. You agree to check in for permission and work only within permission. You want to work with those people who life brings to you and you are open to receive others. When you are done with the healing session, you can go back to your personal self.
The commitment you give at this level also gives further permission to Reiki to work with you and make or open the door to more changes in your way of being. Your Reiki Level II requirements are usually fulfilled during preparation and with attending the Weekend. You receive your Level II Certificate right away.
Conditions for Level II Certification
- Completion of the preparation work. Estimated time 3 hours.
- Completion of the Weekend Intensive. Estimated time 16 hours.
- Completion of 3 Reiki Sessions and a short report on each one. Estimated time 6 hours.
- Completion of 3 Reiki Self-Healing Meditations and a short report on each. Estimated time 4.5 hours.
(The Reiki Level II Certificate gives you the opportunity to become a Member of any Reiki – or alternative Therapist Association. To be part of an Association is not a necessity but gives you the option to reduced insurance rates or alternative advertising.)
Reiki Master
Committing to living in the energy
This level is a commitment to live your whole life within the sacred energy. You are choosing to be a permanent resident of the energy continuum, to make Reiki an integral part of your life.
The Master Level Certificate will be awarded on completion of all requirements set out in the guidelines (see below). On completion of your first Weekend Intensive it is important to know that you will be an attuned Reiki Master.
With Tanran Reiki you need to fulfill all the listed requirements to get your Reiki Master Certificate. The Master Level is much more involved and has many more required contact hours which ensures that all Tanran Reiki Masters hold the same high standard – meaning, future students and clients can be assured of always getting a high quality Tanran Reiki Practitioner.
Conditions for Master Level Certification
- Completion of the preparation manual (estimated time 5 hours).
- Completion of the Master Intensive (estimated time 30 hours).
- Reading the Reiki Study Guide (estimated time 5 hours).
- Completion of 20 Reiki Sessions and a short report on each one (estimated time 40 hours).
- Completing an essay test on the Reiki Study Guide (open book; estimated time 1 hour).
- Completion of 10 Reiki Self-Healing Meditations and writing a short report on each one (estimated time 15 hours).
- Completing 3 attunements on other people. They can be any level and can be fellow students. Then writing the steps taken and how they felt in a short report (estimated time 3 hours).
Doing the Master Level also gives you the opportunity to attend any Tanran Reiki I Class for a nominal fee of $10.00. Or any Tanran Reiki Level II 2 day class for a contribution of $150. Reiki sessions during the Reiki I or II classes count towards the required contact hours.
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