Free attunements, Bali Retreat 2011, Spirit Orb
Did you know?
Tanran Reiki Masters (even though they may not teach) give Reiki I attunements free of charge to anyone who wishes to receive them. It’s our way of sharing the spirit of Tanran Reiki.
Past Events
Reconnection weekend for Tanran Reiki Masters
This started the year off with a bang, with lots of laughs and laughter. With lots of love and deep reconnections happening to self, spirit, nature, others – and, well, as expected, lots of wonderful food.
We put this on at short notice and it was great that so many could make it along for the whole weekend or just for a day. Thank you.
The weekend was a meeting of friends – a reconnection carried out in a spirit of fun and in total connection. Everybody who came along showed up for themselves – to give and to receive.
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We all agreed that channeling Reiki outdoors, closer to nature, is such a wonderful experience that for sure will have to be repeated.
Another nature treat and wonderfully mindful Reiki meditation was walking 3 huge Tanran Reiki symbols – courtesy of “master grass slasher” Kerry.
The weekend was so light and full, so meaningful and touching, so easy flowing and so much fun, we all left Sunday with an overflowing heart and spirit and a big smile on our faces.
Tanran Reiki Bali Retreat 2011![Aaron Linda Sonja Kerry Brooke Fiona Tanran Reiki Masters](
What a fabulous 5 days, starting with opening ceremonies at two Temples to honour and ask the blessings of the Hindu Deities, then a Reiki I workshop, followed by the main 4 days of the Retreat with participants who showed up in authenticity for themselves. Add to this fabulous food, a beautiful setting, phenomenal energy of the venue, followed by closing ceremonies and all capped off by a beautiful celebration dinner and entertainment – where even the spirits put in an appearance.
I (Kerry) got to Bali a week before to do all the prep, finalise the arrangements with the Taman Sari Resort and Rani owner of the venue. I asked the Resort if they would like one of their staff to attend the Reiki I workshop (as Reiki is (rather was!) little known in this part of Bali). As I was talking to Putu, the Resort Manager, it became very obvious that she was the one that had to attend – a very clear message from spirit came through, and that was the start of a very special retreat!.
I sorted the menus for the retreat as lunch was to be served at the venue each day and arranged for the Resort to provide a celebration dinner, little did I know what they would lay on.
When Sonja arrived we asked Putu about what we could do to honour the Hindu Deities –she was delighted to be asked and arranged for opening and closing ceremonies to be conducted at both the Resort and Lotus Villa temples (as Bali is predominantly Hindu most resorts, indeed most buildings, have their own temples).
I feel it is fair to say the Retreat exceeded all expectations, ours and those who joined us.
It started as we connected to Lotus Villas – the venue – an oasis of peace and tranquillity in its own grounds within the wonderful resort of Taman Sari.
It started as we connected to Lotus Villas – the venue – a special place within the wonderful resort of Taman Sari.
The Retreat was held in the LotusVillas – a self contained oasis of peace and tranquillity in its own grounds inside the resort of Taman Sari.
The whole resort has a beautiful energy,
Lotus Villas amplified that even further,
and in the purpose built meditation room above the Villas the energy was truly beautiful
The energy continued as I met with the resort Manager Putu (who the guides clearly chose to be part of the Reiki I course). This meeting led directly to a very spiritual start to the Retreat, an opening ceremony – or rather two opening ceremonies lead by a senior Hindu Temple Priest from the nearby Pura Pulaki sea temple (one of the 7 major Sea Temples around Bali) assisted by Putu.
On the morning of the first day, we (all dressed in Sarongs, with sashes -to keep the bad spirits down to the lower part of the body from where they can be released), arrived at the Taman Sari Temple, the temple was beautifully adorned with bright fabrics, umbrellas and offerings. As the ceremony continued, each of us received a blessing which culminated with the priest sprinkling us with holy water, and the placing of rice on our foreheads (over the third eye area). During the ceremony the sounds of the local gecko and chichak were heard Putu said this was a great sign from the Gods.
As soon as that ceremony was completed, we walked through the resort to the venue Lotus Villas where a shorter version was repeated at the Lotus temple.This also blessed the venue where we would be ‘working’. The opening ceremonies set the scene beautifully for the rest of the Retreat.
The first day of the Retreat was a Reiki I course held in energy of the octagonal meditation room, which had been beautifully prepared with frangipanni blooms everywhere. Even the incense sticks had been placed through the centre of frangipanni blooms
Reiki I
Although only two students – it was a very special day – Linda and Putu instantly bonded and shared a great energy between them. When it came to Putu’s attunement (carried out outside the meditation room, as soon as I started the attunement it started to rain – something the area had been waiting for, for sometime, Putu felt this was a gift from the Gods . I love attunements, they are very beautiful moments, and these were no exception. During the afternoon it was all about sharing Reiki, getting to know the energy and surrendering to guidance, which seemed the natural thing to do.
Reiki II/Master
Days 2-5 were the Reiki II and Master days. They were full with meditations, discussions around the 25 points, Reiki channeling, journeys and looking inward. During this time we brought a lot of local energy into the days, using shells, rocks, foliage for different acti
vities and as reminders for us of the energy and commitments we made during the Retreat. We shared much joy and laughter as well as witnessing some very emotional clearing, as people prepared themselves to be Reiki Masters.
There was also of course much sharing of Reiki pool side below the meditation room – with the beautiful Sea Goddess mosaic looking over us. Here the students learnt techniques for working with the energy in different ways – when asked by the guides. Each felt the energy flow as receiver and channel as we used sound, symbols, breath, hands and eyes to assist the Reiki energy.
And the time seemed to go so quickly, and yet everybody went through or felt some major shifts as they first embraced themselves more fully as Reiki healers, then accepted their Reiki II attunements, and ultimately their Master attunements, and the energy during those was (almost) incredible.
Food and colour!
Punctuating the ‘work’ of the Retreat was the food! – With the abundance of fresh fruit that Bali offers, morning and afternoon breaks were a feast for eye as well as tongue. Dragon fruit, Salak, Rambutan, watermelon, local bananas and pineapple …. the list goes on. For the lunches, the resort really laid on fabulous food – all served at the venue, different each day always vegetarian options- all beautifully prepared and presented, the fish sticks were a firm favourite.
Then all too soon the workshop was over – all that was left was the closing ceremony and celebration dinner. Did I say all??
Closing Ceremony
The closing ceremonies were one of the highlights of the Retreat in keeping with the spiritual energy. Again ceremonies were carried out at both temples to thank the Gods for their blessings. All dressed in sarongs and sashes we received our blessing – it made it very special as delete The ceremonies were conducted by Putu, now part of the Tanran Reiki community and that made them very special. After the Ceremony at Lotus Villas I had the honour to present her with her Reiki I certificate – a very moving moment.
Celebration dinner
Was just that, a celebration for all of us of the past few days – all that we had found within ourselves, all that we had witnessed and shared during the Retreat
And all I can say is WOW! For although I had arranged it with the resort and knew it would involve some entertainment, I was blown away by what followed.
From the Temple, we went to the outdoor restaurant area where a full Gamelan orchestra was playing. Then the food and Balinese dancers arrived, Putu and others from the resort took microphones and thanked us for bringing Tanran Reiki, the workshop and the very special energy to their resort. ….
The orchestra and dancers kept us and all the other diners entertained for the evening and the spirits were there as well as shown by the amazing photo of a spirit orb.
Later we were invited by the dancers to join them – which we all did – I don’t think we could match their eye or hand movements though! We all felt very deeply honoured by the whole evening.
Other activities
Outside the workshop hours everybody made the most of the surroundings, using pools, walking on the beach, snorkelling, trying the food at the local warongs, and enjoying massages by the very talented Balinese masseuses – and by the end of the workshop all were relaxed in mind body and spirit.
We would like to thank all the participants, the resort staff, in particular Putu, making the Tanran Reiki Bali Retreat such a wonderful experience. And my (Kerry) heart felt thanks go to Sonja (with out who there would have not been a Retreat)’ Thank you’ for your inspiration, sharing the journey and for being you, thank you for helping manifest my vision of running a retreat in Bali.
Now, we look forward to doing it all again in October 2012.
Come to a Reiki Shares Evening
Reiki Shares are meant for us Reiki people to give and receive Reiki, to be in this phenomenal energy all evening long and “fill up”. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to practice, share experiences, put questions out in the open and simply spend an evening with like- and heart-minded people. Now in Paterson, Newcastle, and Sydney.
RSVP for address
Paterson – First Thursday of each month 7:00 – 9:30 pm – or any part of it. RSVP
“Heal the Healer” Reiki Master Weekend 20 – 21 March 2010
Big changes want to happen in 2010 and we are starting within ourselves! This is a special 2-day event offered only to Tanran Reiki Masters. It’s going to be a weekend of guided journeys, meditation, healing any holding places, getting even more in touch with our higher guidance, letting go, recharging and being one with the energy and one another.
We’ve been called to put this weekend on and hope you can all make it for both or just one day. On donation basis.
Update – after the weekend
What a weekend we had: Deep, insightful, centering, healing and powerful! The company was great: 14 Tanran Reiki Masters and heaps and heaps of Guides to support us on our journey to greater awareness and healing. From meditations, deep sharing, gifting ceremonies, guided journeys, Family Constellations, Reiki shares, Higher Self awareness to individual processes, the healings were beautiful to witness. Times of sharing over fabulous and plentiful meals were great too and so we not only left the weekend with full tummies but filled with so much love and appreciation for one another, life, the world and everyone in it.
“Heal the Healer” is for sure going to be a “regular” on the Tanran Reiki calendar!