I honour the place in you in
which the universe dwells.
I honour the place in you,
which is of Love, of Truth,
of Light and of Peace.
When you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me…
We are One.
Keiron Keene
Reiki Master Teacher. KHT Practitioner. PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Tantra Practitioner, Member IICT, and AITT
I have been working with and using Reiki since my first attunement in 1997, and have been teaching Tanran Reiki since 2008 when it became evident that Tanran Reiki was the system I had to teach. My passion is empowering people, helping them become more self aware, and bringing oneness into conscious awareness.
Being attuned to Reiki I & II changed many things – it was as if someone had removed my blinkers or opened the blinds. There was almost instantly so much more to life, so much more to the world. I remember telling people that it was as if all my horizons had simply disappeared – so that in many ways there were no limits.
And this for me is one of the reasons I teach Reiki, so that others who are drawn to it may have a similar experience – an opportunity to open to themselves and to experience Universal, Unconditional Love.
Reiki, particularly Tanran Reiki has become so much more to me – a great tool for healing myself – the impetus behind my inner journey. It has taken me from a ‘straight down the line’ engineer, logical thinker, feet firmly planted in the material world, to Reiki Master/ Teacher, KHT therapist and trainer, and someone who is passionate about empowerment of myself and others through finding and connecting with our innermost being – connecting and living from the True Self and living with Love. I feel so honoured and humbled to be able to give to others and share with others something that has given me so much.
As a result of opening to Reiki, I now practice other modalities (always ‘under Reiki’). Koryo Hand Therapy (KHT) which is all about balance within the body, mind, spirit, and gives great results both physically and emotionally I also teach this at the basic level. PSYCH-K is a modality that facilitates instant reprogramming of the subconscious mind, to help people live the lives they want to live, to free the mind from the prison of subconscious conditioning that has been going on since before they were born! Tantra to me is a natural extension of Reiki, it is about finding balance within oneself, then extending that out to ones intimate relationship, it is about making love with the whole body, mind and spirit.
Tanran Reiki also inspired me to start The Love Wave as another way of spreading Love and bringing Oneness – no separation into consciousness for the benefit of people and the planet and all its inhabitants:
My training and certification includes:
- Reiki Master /Teacher
- Koryo Hand Therapy,
- Ancient Wisdom,
- PSYCH-K® Facilitator
- Tantra Facilitator/teacher
Other Courses and Workshops I run include:
Koryo Hand Therapy level 1, Focus on Energy, Nature re-connection retreats, Meditation events, Spiritual events and Retreats. Tours and Workshops in Bali.
Other interests include:
Sea Rovers scuba diving centre in North Bali